Hydrogen Framework  1.3.1
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
||oCAudioStackA stack system for 2D audio sources.
||oCAudioStackItemA class represention of all information needed for an AudioClip to be played via the AudioStack.
||oCObjectPoolAn internal pooling system used within the Hydrogen Framework
||oCObjectPoolCollectionThe actual pool used by the pooling system, multiple instances of these will be created per unique Prefab or GameObject.
||oCObjectPoolItemBaseThe base for all classes which want to extend the behaviour of an ObjectPoolItem, these methods need to be implemented for the efficient use of the Object Pool system.
||oCWebPoolAn internal web pool system used within the Hydrogen Framework.
|||\CFormBinaryDataForm Data Structure
||\CWebPoolWorkerAn internal web call used within the Hydrogen Framework
||\CTestFlightA static method of interacting with the TestFlight system.
||oCJSONThis class encodes and decodes JSON strings. Spec. details, see http://www.json.org/
|||\CMeshCombinerA Multi-Threaded Mesh Combiner that runs in another thread. (Yes! It is just that cool!)
||| oCBufferedMeshA thread safe representation of a Mesh.
||| oCMeshInputMesh Input Format
||| oCMeshObjectMesh Object Format
||| oCMeshOutputMesh Output Format
||| oCTransitionMeshTransition Stage Mesh
||| \CTransitionMeshSorterA class defining how to sort TransitionMeshes.
||oCForkerProvides a caller-friendly wrapper around parallel actions.
|||\CParallelEventArgsEvent arguments representing the completion of a parallel action.
||oCThreadedJobA base class for threaded jobs.
||\CThreadPoolJobA base class for ThreadPool jobs.
|oCArrayAdditional static functions used to extend existing Array support inside of Unity.
|oCComponentsAdditional static functions and constants used to extend existing Component support inside of Unity.
|oCLayersAdditional static functions used to extend existing Layers support inside of Unity.
|oCMaterialAdditional static functions and constants used to extend existing Material support inside of Unity.
|oCMathAdditional static functions used to extend existing Math support inside of Unity.
|oCMemoryAdditional static functions used to extend existing Memory support inside of Unity.
|oCMeshAdditional static functions and constants used to extend existing Mesh support inside of Unity.
|oCNavMeshAdditional static functions used to extend existing NavMesh support inside of Unity.
|oCRegexAdditional static functions and constants used to extend existing Regex support inside of Unity.
|oCResourcesAdditional static functions used to extend existing Resources support inside of Unity.
|oCTextureAdditional static functions used to extend existing Texture support inside of Unity.
|oCValidateAdditional static functions used to extend existing Validation support inside of Unity.
|\CXMLAdditional static functions used to extend existing XML support inside of Unity.
oChAudioStackA drop in implementation of the Hydrogen.Core.AudioStack. This simply makes the class an accessible singleton with some very simple additional functionality.
oChDebugAn in-game debugging system to make every developer happy.
oChInputA drop in implementation of the Hydrogen.Peripherals.Input manager. This simply makes the class an accessible singleton with some very simple additional functionality.
oChMeshCombinerA drop in implementation of how to interact with the Hydrogen.Threading.Jobs.MeshCombiner. This is meant really as an example of one way of using it, but you will probably want to create your own method to further optimize the workflow.
oChObjectPoolA drop in implementation of the Hydrogen.Core.ObjectPool. This simply makes the class an accessible singleton with some very simple additional functionality.
oChObjectPoolItemA drop in implementation of the Hydrogen.Core.ObjectPoolItem. This is one possible way of setting up an ObjectPoolItem to handle spawning and despawning appropriately.
oChTestFlightA drop in implementation of the Hydrogen.Plugins.TestFlight manager. It implements advanced features included with TestFlight allowing for proper session tracking and reporting.
\ChWebPoolA drop in implementation of the Hydrogen.Core.WebPool. This simply makes the class an accessible singleton with some very simple additional functionality.