Hydrogen Framework  1.3.1
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Package Hydrogen.Core


class  AudioStack
 A stack system for 2D audio sources. More...
class  AudioStackItem
 A class represention of all information needed for an AudioClip to be played via the AudioStack. More...
class  ObjectPool
 An internal pooling system used within the Hydrogen Framework. More...
class  ObjectPoolCollection
 The actual pool used by the pooling system, multiple instances of these will be created per unique Prefab or GameObject. More...
class  ObjectPoolItemBase
 The base for all classes which want to extend the behaviour of an ObjectPoolItem, these methods need to be implemented for the efficient use of the Object Pool system. More...
class  WebPool
 An internal web pool system used within the Hydrogen Framework. More...
class  WebPoolWorker
 An internal web call used within the Hydrogen Framework. More...